Three Reasons Why Gut Health Is Important

Three Reasons Why Gut Health Is Important

Your gut is complex but it’s important because it affects the health of your entire body. Your gut is the long tube that starts at the mouth and ends at your back passage. Keeping your gut healthy will help your immune system, your heart and your brain and this means you are likely to sleep well and digest food better, improving your overall mood and general well-being. In the long run a healthy gut can prevent cancers and diseases too, helping you and the ones you love to age gracefully. Here are at least three reasons why gut health is important.

A healthy gut helps your digestion

Food, and nutrition supplements, journey through your digestive system begins in your mouth. Your digestive system breaks down the food and liquids you consume into their chemical components; carbohydrates, fats and proteins that your body can absorb as nutrients and use for energy or to build, or repair, cells. During digestion microbes make vitamins and send signals to your immune system as well as molecules that affect how your brain works. If your gut, or microbes, are unhealthy or not functioning properly this can affect your mood and other aspects of your health and well-being.

A healthy gut helps your body absorb nutrients

Absorbing nutrients through your digestive health and wellbeing is important because, without it, your body will cease to function properly, leaving you and the ones you love prone to different kinds of deficiencies and diseases. Poor absorption of nutrients can cause unhealthy weight fluctuations too making the healthy nutrition supplements you take less effective. Chewing food thoroughly is important for your gut to be able to absorb nutrients and you, and the ones you love can nourish your gut with good bacteria by consuming probiotics and fermented foods like yogurt.

A healthy gut helps your body get rid of toxins

You, and the ones you love, will hear the phrase ‘detox’ a lot. Your gut helps your body to get rid of toxins, or unhealthy bacteria, that can enter into your circulation. The easiest way to keep your gut clean is to drink lots of water. Be careful not to over hydrate and yes you can drink combinations of juices called ‘Detox’ to help with cleaning your gut.

Recognising an unhealthy gut can lead to lots of aches and pains and general physical and mental discomfort. If you, and the ones you love, don’t take care of your gut, or your body, with a healthy diet, and nutrition supplements, then you will find it more difficult to live your best life and to age gracefully.


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